Somehow or another I edited this out......I don't know how...but I shall try to recreate a part of it...Grandson was issuing his complaint about being in "baby Jail" and I didn't get it spell checked worth a darn!...
Any way.Against his better judgement Frankly,against his will-- baby was placed in his play pen after he ate.He was singing me a song of happiness for quite a while.He has a sweet little six month old voice and he is generally a happy baby as long as someone is holding him.
He made a recent visit to his family in another state.He is in every picture, or MOST every picture, so I know he got his quota of Auntie loves.
Somewhere along the line, and for some reason I can not fathom so many mothers avoid the simple safety of play pens.They are a wonderful tool! They keep baby safe so Mom's and Grand mom's can do something besides the beloved "Rockies".....
I love Rockies-- every child needs the simple pleasure of being rocked,loved and held in patient arms......JUST NOT CONTINUALLY!!!
This little guy has extraordinary parents! His Mom is wonderful. His Dad is my son. AHEM......A little prejudice might enter here....But I have never seen a man so content to be father and husband.
I have spoiled The Baby...
YUP! IT WAS ME...I admit it! But, I fervently believe that a child needs time to learn to be by himself to play. He needs to learn to entertain himself . He needs a safe place to do this deed. Against his wishes and his better judgement I put my little buddy into "baby jail" on occasion just go let him be independent of Nana!
He DOES not appreciate my efforts on his behalf! In due time he lets it be known in a loud voice his is not in total agreement with this idea and he WANTS loves!!! OF course being the dedicated Rocking chair loving Grandmother that I am....I tell him NO WAY! Sure I do!!!
The Downy woodpecker pictured above is not very big.He is about the size of a starling.Every year I have a "couple" who re-decorate an old birdhouse on my garage. They re size the door to suit themselves. I see them moving in their small suitcases under their arms, stems weeds and other important nesting properties are moving in with them! They are only here for a few weeks but we enjoy them while they are here...With the exception of one bad habit.
NO they don't party late into the night! They are trained attack woodpeckers! When you walk between the lilac and the garage to come into the house they will fly at you at a high rate of speed! They are protecting their territory! They dive at you with their little bills at the ready! It looks all in the world like a tiny spear coming at your face..They then veer off just in time.....Mean little devils!
The only problem is! It happens to be my hubby's territory too! One of these little critters chased a UPS guy off my porch and into his truck this morning. Perhaps I should take down the Rottweiler looking picture that says BEWARE of DOG! (put there so no one lets my little poodle out!) Maybe I should put up a beware of woodpecker sign!
I am also the householder on the block that hosts the attack hummingbird! Who said Hummingbirds are not aggressive!Don't believe them! The little Male will go for you in a MINUTE! He is territorial also! Not that a ten ounce bird is going to hurt much! It's the surprise ATTACK he uses that comes into play with the unwary....
We also have Bantam rooster sized Robins in our yard...They are not aggressive by nature but prefer the biological war fare method of protecting their nests....They love to find a perch above your head then drop birdie bombs on you from above. So far I have been lucky enough to move in time to avoid the spray! So Far I have NOT had to feed them to the cat!!!
I was walking onto a local beach minding my own business when along came a seagull and dropped his business right in my hair...I thought I pulled off pretty well...I thought no one noticed till I saw the guy in his beach chair who was pointing and laughing so hard he fell out of the chair....I kept walking. I was a woman on a mission. That mission was to get the stink of seagull droppings out of my HAIR!
About Men who point and laugh!!!Back in the early years, the dawn of time! The sixties...I fell prey to the people who said pantie hose were "one size fits all!".....I WAS a little skinny thing back then....I rationalized what I didn't take up in width I could take up in length on my six foot frame!.....
I was dancing with a gentleman, New Years Eve. In an Era when dresses were out of fashion if they were not above your knees. The pantie hose started rolling slowly down.
Somehow I thought no one would take any notice of a six foot red head walking from a dance floor with her knees tied together with a pair of errant pantie hose! Somehow I thought the gentleman I was dancing with.....was a real gentleman. I was wrong on both counts. I think it was OK till the gent stood bent over with laughter and POINTED at me doing the Charlie Chaplin walk .....
This ladies room was side by side with the gents....with about a foot of space between....I fell into the door to the MENS room! I don't know who was more surprised ME or the gent who was urinating in the waste basket! I think it was ME....Cause he was a gentleman and turned his back to finish his business.....After all it WAS the sixties AND NEW YEARS EVE!!!

Your blog is such fun reading. I love your sense of humor and how you tie one crazy incident with another to make your point.
ReplyDeleteKeep on writing lady. You are good!
Guess who?