Is that the way that went???I offer ; apologies to the author...or was it just a children's rhyme??? Like Ashes ASHES.....All fall down.....which is probably taught to every child at some point in their life and refers to the "black Plague"......mmmmm I want my Grand kids to know all about that!!
Did you ever wonder about the origins of some of the things children play,sing, chant, and do....."Ring around the Rosie" is not the only strange game that hearkens back to a dark era...but it is the most blatant....
" Rock a bye Baby" has always given me nightmares!! So why does the Baby fall out of the tree?? By the time you have rocked the baby half the night in your who have got up to go to work in the wee hours of the morning...propped up only by a pair of high heal shoes,tight pantie hose, a pot of strong coffee....and a strong bladder...aren't you the one likely to fall out of YOUR tree??? Where did THAT come from??
You Dad's out there...What in the world is propping you up? My son's are as likely to do "Daddy duty" as Mom! So how
do you get out of the rocking chair..wipe the baby drool from your work shirt and put on your hard hat? Perhaps your neck tie? How do you WORK after sitting up all night guarding that precious bundle you and your loving lady have borne??
Aww; the abilities of Youth...I think that is why God stopped letting us old folks have babies before we are to old to remember where we put them DOWN!
For my part, my bum is so big I have a problem getting IT and baby out of the rocking chair at the same time!!! I need a "sky hook" to get me out of that comfy chair Uncle supplied as a wonderful gift to Baby and family!!!
The thought of "Natural feeding!" No problem--- for us old ladies. Just a small lift of the skirt;We have easy access.If we could hold baby that LOW while we did it!!! Any older woman who still looks good in a pair of jeans has my vote for "wonderfully aged!" Any with firm breasts, probably have a nodding acquaintance with the local Plastic supplier!
Baby Bottles are so much more handy! Cleaning the nipple with Boiling water don't even make me cringe!
I have a mental picture I can't rid myself of, OLD ladies, with wrinkled faces and big bellies, breast implants, and Tattoos...It's not a pretty mental picture! I think I want to sag where Mother Nature meant for me to sag!(even if I can't jump rope without bruised eyes!) I don't think I want Chinese proverbs permanently etched on my bum....How do some of these girls KNOW those things don't say,"Eat at Joe Wong's!" Or perhaps they say..."I rode the short bus!"
Wouldn't it be terrible to go around with a sign on your body that said,"Just Do IT!" In Chinese characters!
Confucius ought to say...."If you can't read it....Don't have it etched on your bum!"
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