I am a dedicated Grandmother...when there is a child who needs a sitter.....I always have my bag packed. Last night I made it home at three A.M. All those baby snuggles are worth it. Time with the Grandchildren ;my Son and his Lady are is so very important to me. The children grow so quickly. One day you see them they are not even able to roll over and six months later they are crawling sitting and trying to talk..
They come home from the hospital, like kittens with their eyes still shut to the world.. six months later they KNOW how to demand what they WANT..That is quite a change if you think of it. If we kept learning at the rate infants learn; even half our lives! We would all be above genius level at ten years old!!! A Baby learns all this in just the first YEAR of life!!! Then they go on to learn a language!!!
If we all learned this fast; Learned this well,Genius would be so common place they would probably have to raise the numerical level ; for the term,Set the level of IQ at about four times what it is,just to set them apart from the norm!!! We would have Einsteins and Edisons falling off their skate boards!
Children are an empty vessel that needs to be filled with knowledge! To think! Most of us were just the same.....NO we ARE just the same, except it is not critical to us..We kNOW how to communicate..we are not dependant upon some one else to feed and cleanse us! We could dedicate so much more time to learning! The question to ask is .....to what end?? Would we "save" the world or "destroy" our world as we know it!
Would we spend our time reading trashy novels or would we learn how to make a home without leaving a foot print upon the earth?? Would we just learn or would we teach? Would we master new arts , welding, constructing, inventing or would we just watch sports on the big screen..We all have a choice..We can get the dust bunnies out of the clothes cupboard, or we can dust off a book or computer and actually LEARN something! What a wander the human brain really really is!
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