I have been off of here playing like it is really spring here in Idaho!.....
They are still skiing in the mountains.....and I still have some old snow
in my yard.....YES! YET!......but not much....I got out and cleaned the dogie fertilizer from my front yard this morning....He has done an admirable job of making sure there are
a few green spots out there! I give him Brown, Ahhhhhh! points!
My kitty has been out begging for some loves while I was raking this morning.....
Some his "points" had to be removed.....BEFORE the health department came by!
And Before my grandson tracked them through this house.....and into his!
Mama is a beautiful ,patient woman and has raised a lovely young MAN! There are some
boundaries! One of them in is a limit to the amount of Dog "tracks" he can WEAR
home! I'm on her side!
The wearing of the dung, gives son's Car a kind of "high" odor! I think he is
a bit narrow minded about that car to begin with! He and I are both a bit color
blind! He admits he is! I try to hide MINE! I say his car color is PEARL. Some car
sales man says it is Titanium! To me that is like saying it is "White." What is titanium?
WHITE! That is what it is! What is PEARL! Same shade of WHITE!
So, I got about half of my FRONT yard raked....sometimes I wish I didn't own
so much property and had MORE HOUSE....Someone once said that THINGS
expand with your ability to put them away! That is wrong! I no longer have
a place to put things away! Things keep expanding! Even I keep expanding,
but that is another different story! I have a house rule. NO MORE stuff can come
in her unless something like it GOES OUT! That's my story, and it sounds like
a good one! In theory it is good! Practice, however is another story,too!
My formative years were spent in a cabin in the woods! A for real LOG
house. It was built at a for REAL house raising. The logs were taken from the
forest around the house! The mud that was used to mix with the concrete to
"chink" the walls was harvested from the Creek. (Pronounced Crick,if you please!)
The Creek that ran past the back window. The Creek where we played as children.
The creek from whence the frogs serenade was heard all my child hood! Dad and
his Brothers, various cousins and relatives put that house there!
It didn't have indoor plumbing, or electricity! But, it was there!
Mother Nature did her best to burn us out the first few weeks the place stood!
A fire came over the hill, after a lightening storm. If it weren't for the heroic efforts
of a few men in our lives that place would have been history before the "little house"
had it's own door! They stood on the roof of the big house with hoses and kept it
watered down while the fire raged around it!
We had all manner of wild plants growing on our land. Mom was never one
to waste sitting on her Laurels. Since my Name is Laurel. I must add that I
didn't care to be sat upon any way! Mom, planted a huge garden in back. She
Also planted cherry trees and apples. She canned, she kept chickens, someone
gave us "pet" ducks.
She could never get Dad to cover the spring. Do you know what mountain
spring fresh water tastes like after a few ducks have been swimming in it?
She tried to convince us we were eating Roast chicken! He did finally
comer the spring!
We kept cows,horses and a huge alfalfa field in front! I had a big old Tom
cat. Someone gave us a couple kittens. Dad was sure the Tom cat would
"get" those kittens! I can still remember him coming through the alfalfa field
yowling while he carried up a fresh ground squirrel to feed his new "babies!"
The bread delivery truck ran over one of those kittens. I wouldn't speak to
him again no matter HOW many maple bars he gave me! I was "plumb" mad
at him! His name was Don!
Years later I ran into a young man who was working as a security guard!
He looked Just like that delivery man! I couldn't resist asking him if he knew
a fella' named Don. He said, "Yeh! Me!" It was his son! I wasn't mad at him!
That Cherry tree got me into a lot of trouble! I love Cherries! Since it was all
cousins in that neighborhood. Some of the mothers were kind of, shall we say
for the sake of good manners, "lax" in the child rearing department! At least by
my obsessive Father's standards. There were a load of those kids! One who I shall
call Lon; drove a nail into the trunk of "my" Cherry tree! It killed the main tree!
I can't tell you how this distressed me! I was looking forward to a crop of spring
cherries! It was just getting big enough to bare fruit and along came Lon. Mean
Little Lon, Disliked Lon! Along came Lon with his little bitty hammer and nails!
He killed my cherry tree.
I can't say I was a nice little kid. I was an only girl among many boys. I think there
were only four or five girls in that whole generation! I was probably the most "Tom
Boy!" of all. Anything Boys could do I could do as well or Better! That included Scheme!
I waited till Lon came to our house with a toy car! A prized possession for
any of us at the time! We didn't get a lot of toys! Somehow I somehow managed
to drop his toy car into that Hole in the "little house!" YOU KNOW which
"little house" The one on the hill a ways from the house! The one with the
traditional half moon on the door! I don't think that would have got me the
whupping'! Not that alone.....I think the Whupping' was cause he FELL IN
Somehow! To this day he swears I pushed him! I don't remember that! I sure
remember the whupping!!!
By the way, to this day, I don't think he smells a heck of a lot better! He
was never a Rose!!!
The house is still standing. It is still lived in! The "little house" is gone!
That is just as well, cause to my way of thinking it always smelled just
like Lon!
By the way! The cherry tree came up from the roots! It is baring cherries
today! I never got to eat a ONE!
I think you are so right, Laurel. Babies need to be held, but they do need to be put down too. First time mom's and dad's have a really hard time letting their baby cry, they think it's not normal, that something is wrong. I am glad you put the baby down in a playpen?, cuz it will help him to calm himself, help put himself to sleep, and learn that if something is really wrong someone will be there to pick him up. You are such a good grammy, I wish you were closer so my kids could enjoy you too. They have no more grammy's and they really need one. I think we should look into a retirement home and see if there is someone there who could help us find someone who needs visitors. Hugs!