Sunday, April 19, 2009

Spring! Beautiful Spring...

Spring is finally HERE....IDAHO in spring time is something

to see....the lakes are pure blue...the mountains are still snow packed.

The Glacier Lilly are finally in bloom along the hillside, so are

the purple "bird bills" and the yellow bells....

The weather is not warm yet...and my yard is a foot or so deep

in old leaves...I started to rake the yard to clear off the daffodils

that are threatening to bloom through the garbage....picked up

my rake only to find the handle is broken out of it!...So much

for yard work....I might as well go tramp in the woods.....

The bears are out now, Looking for winter kill Deer the wolves

left behind..Wolves and some bear will kill just because they

are running and seem to be prey....they will kill and kill and

kill......In this area we used to have timber wolves...A bounty

was placed on them.....they were killed off....One of man's bright

ideas....Now Brighter YET......they have replanted them with

the monster sized arctic wolf! wolf can take down a full

sized elk or moose in the snow......It seems to amuse them to

kill and kill and kill....God help our Deer, elk, and moose population..

we have bears, black and grizzly, cougar, Bobcat, and a few Lynx

and now we have Arctic wolves of huge proportion...I'm glad

I'm not a Deer!
