Sunday, June 8, 2008

Just another day in Paradise!

I have been on Youtube again.I adore Youtube.If nothing else you can go listen to the music of childhood..No matter when your child hood happened to be!
I also like all the instructive clips. If you want to remember how to make a certain crochet stitch. It's probably there. If you want to remember how to make something your Mother cooked. Chances are it will be there!
With the gas prices on everyone's lips. The food prices are going up..Come ON! Not EVERY egg costs a dime more every time fuel costs go up!! Anyway! It had to be said.
I broke out the "bread machine." I never had any instructions to that thing!I also broke out the old cook books.I'm nearly sixty years old. I haven't used a cook book in a lot of years! I guess it was time. I didn't know I was a "depression" cook all my life. I got lazy when all the kids grew up!So I went to the old style this week. Four bucks for a loaf of bread was more than I could stand!
I went to the outlet store where I could shop for "bargain" canned goods. My salad, is not "up"
