With my luck the word of the day is probably a swear word....I just don't know it
cause it is in Spanish.. that is just my luck.... With just a little good luck..I might
learn something!
I have to admit....I have wonderful friends.....James offered to pay for an extra
cub scout shirt. As it turned out the child in need left cub scouts. I think
he may have left because St. Maries is a depressed area. Few people have
jobs. Those who do have them are trying to help their friends who don't.
That is the type of town it is! They don't sit back and wish they could
help. They stand up and do something! He did not quit scouting because
he didn't have enough parental care.....
James and I cared. Computers are wonderful. I've never seen or met
James. I know he is a good man. I know he is a caring man and I think
of him with pride, that he is my friend!
I still have no idea who the child was. I know he was seven. I know he and my golden
Stephen did not have the uniform to be cub scouts. I doubt his parents
had any more money than my Daughter. I think there should be
more like James. People who don't care who the child is. People who
only care that he would be the ONLY seven year old in St. Maries
Cub Scouts Without a uniform... The only kid who didn't look like
the rest of the kids in their proud uniforms. The only kid who didn't have one!
St. Maries taught me many things... is a "different" town. Idaho is a
different place..We love our children.We want them to be children as long
as we can keep them that way. We want them to have wonderful child hoods!
Someday when they are grown, we want them to go off on their own
and be independent. They better do what we want them to do while they are
being independent.
Shut your mouth and EAT!
Then there was Shirl One Sister of my heart!
Shirl who has been through so much in the last few years. She hurts
so badly because of her generous heart! A heart so big, that when it
was broken she was stricken! She became ill, but her heart was
still Strong. Her spirit is weakened, but no one could make
her soul small. No one could steal her pride!
Mikie,who are like my sisters I have never seen in person, Sisters
I may never meet. In other lives, perhaps in other worlds we
grow in the same house. We are all women of strong conviction who
would fight for what we believe in! Women who would fight
for each other.Women who have fought WITH each other to
save the life of who ever was in trouble. These are bonds stronger
than those forged in the same house, the same town . These
are Heart sisters! All...
I never thought to have friends with bonds so strong I could feel
their pain in my own limbs. I could see their homes in my mind.
I could Nearly TOUCH them in my dream state. Friends like
Debra whom I met so many years ago. We have been through
so many trials. She has had surgery on her knees. She worked
so hard in her life fighting to make a living in a man's world at
a job held by only MEN in times gone by.
There is Joyce, And Kert, and Jon! Sometimes when I see
her words on screen I can feel the hurt in her heart. At
Other times I can feel the laughter. Who'd of thunk that
a fat lady from Idaho could be so blessed. That I could
have so much in my life. So many wonderful adventurous
and brave people. These are folks who have driven across
this continent from West to East just to get to know us!
They have done this TWICE....
Then I think of people I have met... friends in Idaho, I'm reminded of Linda.
Linda is a beautiful woman from the East. She strives to have a comfortable
way of life. Here in the WEST.I must admit she does it so very well.
I know it is not effortless.It is hard work having a charming home and keeping up with a husband.That is multi- tasking! She is good at it!
If you are reading this Linda...
I loved the fudge. I'm glad it is eaten. It won't be there calling me in the
middle of the night...."Laurel, Oh Laurel! Come out here! Things eaten
in the light of the fridge have no carbs! There are no sugars in things eaten
in the dark! Hay! Diabetic woman! IT is time to come get your sugar fix!"
OH! I shall MISS That fudge! Like lovers, We had such Homey conversations in the dark.
It would whisper to me. I would caress it! I would savor it. I'd let the
smooth chocolate silken Dark and tastey, melt in my mouth and trickle slowly down
my throat in an orgy of tastes and sensations Ever so slowly, I would masticate.
I'd move my tongue through that soft thick chocolate.
Slowly I would chew on the nuts! Till I was surfeit with the hard chewy geatness of
them. In a nearly orgasmic moment The flavor would SpURT forth! I would swallow!
When it was overI was compelled to lick my chocolate covered
fingers till the last vestige was gone, past my lips, every taste bud was
excited alive with pleasure and wanting more more more. Awwwwww!
Give me a SMOKE!
Then there is Sherri, a woman who's generosity is unforgetable.
This lady sent me bottles and bottles of cinnamon. To make sure
I didn't poison my diabetic self with the smooth delicious unforgettable
Fudge! Sherri who is another generous heart. Her life is not
easy. Always I feel her love of life in her words. When she describes
her children I can't hide my smile. All the love probably raises
my blood sugar by at least a hundred points....Yes! I am a blessed
Maddie, Ahh Maddie, A woman who says what she believes in!
A woman of laughter and light! She is a woman of talent...how do you
know you are blessed. You are blessed when you get to know someone
so well, A woman you have never met, but a friend still! A joy!
I hardly knew where to begin. I hope it never ends........
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