Monday, September 10, 2012

Good Evening, my Friends

Good Evening!
Today has promised a storm all day..The wind is blowing and the trees are set to dancing in the back long as it it LINE dancing and not the 2 step.....I'm OK...No Limbo allowed either...Jen was here today..I celebrate that she is
ONE of my beautiful children. Always ready to help or share
in a joke...HOW I CELEBRATE them all.....They have children of their own;and they will always be; "my children"
How else does one refer to them??

        It is getting cool here in the early mornings. I added
an afghan to my bed...though the window stays open...I love the fresh air; even in early fall. My squirrel population has stolen all the plums from my trees...Italian prunes really;half wild and volunteers all over the yard. If my son didn't cut them down with the lawn mower I am sure I would have a yard full each spring.I have no idea what else is growing
in my back yard. It is so very wild back there. It's not a lawn, just a miss- mash of wild things mowed down to represent a lawn. The real grass is in the front yard. I count the blades and mow it often. I hang things round about the place and
put in flowers and vegetable in unlikely places. The mowing is for exercise. The flowers are for pleasure, I have no idea what the vegetables are for. This year I lost interest and I only got about a dozen tomato from my plant. In former years my home has been inundated with tomato of all size and several colors. I have only had one salad made of Chard;my lettuce did not grow. I think the late frost got it. Onions, yes! They grew in a ring round my tomato. Their primary purpose was to whet the appetite of one small grandson and discourage the lawn bugs from eating those tomato before I get a chance at them.

Funny How I wait for spring and that plant "MOST hated;" Dandelion to pop up...A wild thing that gets no respect as it is the most respectable of herbs.They are reputed to have been brought to this area as an herb. It is rumored the "Brides" brought them when they were brought to Seattle. They are not endemic to the wilds of North Idaho.
I was once told the flower has a slight opiate quality. The leaves are reputed to be a diuretic-Prized in the," phases of the moon."They are said to release water from the cells while giving potassium and b vitamins. The roots are supposed to be a natural laxative. I like them in Salads, or as a spring tonic tea.Mother Nature gives us so much we do not appreciate.

I have wild roses in my yard. The fruit of the wild rose is the rose hip. This makes a wonderful tea. It tastes of oranges, and promises made in autumn. It is full of vitamin C and props up our immune system. It smells of fragrant summers and long dark nights in winters gloom.One can nearly feel the soft summer breezes waft across our faces while we feast upon it's taste and aroma. I never think to pick them till they are withered and dry. What wastrels we humans are! The yard is a feast for the squirrels, with cherry trees they gloat over and maple nuts they seem to fly from tree to tree to stock up on for winter. They,too are one of my rewards for living in Idaho. They are a font of entertainment. They are a gift from the universe no TV will ever be able to compete with..They are acrobats, trapeze artists and tight rope walkers with their antics and travels between trees, sometimes with the aide of the power lines and the phone lines.Sometimes with mighty jumps no human long jumper could but envy!

    POSH! To think I was afraid of the deer the other night! ME! Born and raised here. Me! who has been driving since child hood when we were kids on the old place! I guess it is alright. I am also afraid of bear.
Good Night, from the chilling North West...

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Rewind! I thought I was just here....I never
seem to get anything done, so it can't be that I am so
busy...I'm NOT...

I went for a lovely long ride with my Jen. We stopped at
Brenda's and saw she and boys for about an hour..which
is about all the two of them can maintain....Together,
mix like oil and water...

Jen drove home, I thought it was
 my blood sugar. I had a melt down. The deer in the
road scared me...can you imagine!

 Examining it in the
cold light of day, I think I forgot to take thyroid pill.
Perhaps I washed it down with coffee and milk...what
ever. It was embarrassing....I took it with selenium this
morning. I did feel a lot better..

I'd forget my head if it
wasn't secured to my shoulders. Sometimes I have to
go to the bathroom 3 times before I remember to get
my dentures..GREAT! I'm not that I?

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

~Labor Day~Ta-Da! It's me! I'm back! I am much more healthy now....and all that strange "energy"
seems to have settled down....Wow! I thought I was ready for the funny farm!...Maybe NEW
funny farm...
     So! I spent a few days with my daughter, her boys and x hubby's step son, and his kids...They were visiting with my Daughter and her family during the Paul Bunyan celebration!
All of them are GREAT kids....I adored them..Step son's parenting amazed me....He is a hands
on Daddy and they are responding wonderfully...I knew and respect his former wife..they
have both done a great job.....
    Today is vinegar the c pap day....put a cup of vinegar in the basin and turned the heat
on High..that should boil that smelly stuff and push it out into the hoses and stuff!! So I
ain't going into the back of the house till time to turn it off, and rinse it.....Probably the most
"work" I will do all day.......WELL these floors need swept, I might just do days
away seem to have helped my lungs....I walked and walked and more Green
goobers....YES! still allergic, but no mold in my house is frightening......
   I'm off of here for the day...just sending  you some LOVE....and maybe a bit of