His Daddy was called Bear, for the special way he walked....He kind of rolled along like a Baby bear. He never stopped long, and little things like falls or doors didn't seem to stop him. He was built like a line blocker. He was broad shouldered and narrow at the hip.....Till he went to work at the age of sixteen he was BEAR. Even in School to his classmates he was Baby bear......Now to my Joy I have a Baby Bear.....
Baby Bear has the same shaped big Dark eyes. We can't quite decide which color DARK eyes. They are surrounded by long black eye lashes.
He has his Mama's beautiful Italian, Polish coloring mixed with my Native American high cheek bones and facial shape. He is a beautiful little boy! He is full of fuss and bother!
Today he discovered the joys of a balloon.......He found it in the bathroom..Just what you want your baby buddy to be playing with.......A balloon found on the bathroom floor!
We played our own brand of "balloon foot ball" with it for quite a while..Till he decided he HAD to see what it tastes like..He now has five teeth and has to try them OUT....He did his best to throw it at me..Each time he got it behind his head to get a good toss, he dropped it and he had to chase it in another direction.It was better than one year old roller skating to watch that little guy try to get his balloon trained to hit his Grandma, each toss it was somewhere behind him..He chased and chased....we laughed and laughed till that old devil...Nap...took over his world...Maybe some day he will have some stories about the hills and dale of Idaho for you to hear....
I'm sure he will make a lot of memories....
